Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tripping with Salvia 3

...looking down to our world, this "being" is showing me as in fast motion movie, how the world is decaying, I watch some nuclear explosions, I'm able to get closer, like if I'm hovering the whole castle, how people is burning by the explosions, I can't hold my sight more, I don't want to see it and I turn around, I I had the feeling of watching hopelessly my house burning down with all my family inside.

This being of light, with just a move from his hand, heals my pain, he asks me to look at the earth again, I look again, and everything is back to normal on Earth. I nod thanking him, I get out of there and I can see I'm back at my room, looking at the ceiling, very relaxed.

I don't fully control my experiences, but I guess I'm more experienced now, guess that it is because my salvia is "standardized", that means I always get the potency I want.

I'll let you know about my next trip on salvia divinorum as soon as I can.

Have a great life.

You can purchase Salvia Divinorum at